Page name: TSDSC, Photo Entries [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-19 12:18:45
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The Seven Deadly Sins Competition, Photo Entries

Please see the rules on the main page:

The Seven Deadly Sins Competition

Winners (Photos): The Seven Deadly Sins Competition

<news:[The Seven Deadly Sins Competition@wiki] winners!>

By [Aldalome]
By [Synsae]


Thank you to all that contributed!


This Contest is closed.


How to post your entry:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag. Don't forget to write your username and the title of the entry and don't forget your proof photo!

1. [insert user name] - "Title"

There is a theme:
Make sure the entries fit the theme, or they will be removed.


1. [james2777] - Gluttony puppy
<img200*0:> <img50*0:>

2. [Skydancer] - Gamer Sloth
<img200*0:stuff/sloth-skydancer.jpg> <img50*0:stuff/sloth-skydancerproof.jpg>

3. [Synsae] - A Shooter's Wrath

4. [Jitter] - Greed

5. [Triola] - Come Hither (Lust, of course :P)

6. [Rice] - Those eyes of Envy!

7. [Aldalome] - Little Appetite

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- The Seven Deadly Sins Competition

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2007-10-15 [Triola]: Huh, I like my proof photo better than the actual photo o.O

2007-10-15 [Jitter]: Very nice Trio!

Socks are adorable :P xD

2007-10-15 [Triola]: I knowes! Socks rock! :D All hail the sock :P

2007-10-15 [Jitter]: xD Omg!

2007-10-15 [Triola]: From back when I was young and impressionable >.> x)

2007-10-29 [Fire Panther]: I'll be entering, assuming I get a chance to do some shooting....things got crazy here with the job search AND school (but the good news is I got a really great job and have now left school to work...yes I'm still graduating...)

2007-10-30 [Jitter]: Good luck *hugs*

2007-11-08 [Synsae]: question... I recently photoshopped the photo I entered... may I swap my entry for the photoshopped version?

2007-11-08 [Jitter]: How heavy is the manip? Rules say manips are only for art but if it's not too heavy (not much painting over it) I guess it can be entered here.

PS- If you refer to the Black and White image on your house then sure go ahead and change it if you want:)

2007-11-08 [Synsae]: I just changed it to black and white colours... that's all

2007-11-08 [Jitter]: Then feel free ^^

2007-11-09 [Synsae]: so just curious... this will be a council vote or a mainstreet poll vote?

and... less than 7 days left... I am starting to become... well, I can not find the word... I just can't wait <img:stuff/zabuN-gif.gif>

2007-11-09 [Linderel]: Council vote, then Mainstreet vote.
Then again, if there are still so few entries when it's time to close to contest, it might be just a Council vote.

2007-11-09 [Jitter]: Art entries will probably get an MS poll as well but I doubt photography will suddenly have 15+ entries out of the blue ^^;

2007-11-09 [Synsae]: ah, I see. Thanks for answering

2007-11-09 [Jitter]: You're welcome :)

2007-11-09 [Synsae]: so tell me... does my entry look better in B&W? lol

2007-11-09 [Jitter]: It does give off a certain feeling that intensifies the subject so I'd say yes :)

2007-11-09 [Rice]: Oh i jsut realised i have no sock in my picture, damn it..ermm..give me a while and i will get one XD

2007-11-09 [Jitter]: [Rice] if you can also link the unedited picture as well please?

2007-11-09 [Rice]: Will do, i ahve that on my computer..give me a secound.

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